Philosophy 2080 Study Guide - Canadian Pacific Air Lines, Helen Baxendale, Equitable Remedy

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Parole evidence rule- after you have written an agreement or document that represents terms of contract, you can not act in ways that are not conducive to the original agreement. Example- a debt of , but you can only pay and your creditor accepts, that promise is legally binding. Equitable remedy for contract law- i will make you do what you said you were going to do . Discretionary: i. e. court still has discretion to make final decision. Specific performance- you must prove that your claim requires more than just monetary damages. Contract of personal service is not sufficient because the court doesn"t want to force professional relationships. Purpose of damages in contract law- to put plaintiff in the position they would have been, had the contract been performed. When a contract specifies damages that may occur if someone sues, that is called liquidative damages. Hadley needed a part delivered by a carrier (baxendale)