Philosophy 1250F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Bad Tendency, Rule Utilitarianism, Fecundity

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Philo - utilitarianism: the position that an act possesses ethical value in virtue of its consequences. John stuart mill (1806-1873): greatest happiness principle : thus, things are good or bad on account of how they make us feel. B/c happiness is equated w/ subjective pleasure, the utilitarianism of bentham and. Mill is a form of hedonism: hedonism is contrasted w/ asceticism that finds suffering to be a good thing . Teleological: all else is desired for happiness: fame + money & power + virtue = happiness, happiness is pleasure. Common misunderstandings: the principle concerns only actions that tend to promote happiness of the individual. The principle extends to actions that tend to produce the greatest happiness for the most sentient beings (and yourself) Implicit notions of equality & impartiality: bentham and mill"s utilitarianism is hedonistic in the bad sense. They claim the proper aim of all action is the pursuit of immediate sensual.