Nursing 3340A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software, Critical Discourse Analysis, Data Analysis

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Uses more than one can be both qualitative and quantitative strategies. ** all research is driven by a research question or questions*** Brings together local experience and expertise with the best available evidence from research. Empirical: responding to the situation in terms of evidence that indicates the most effective action. Personal: responding to the situation in terms of the practitioners own mental models, vision, attitudes, feelings, concerns and ignorance. Ethical: responding to the situation in terms of what is the best or right action or non-action. Aesthetic: grasping, interpreting, investigating what is to be achieved and responding to the unfolding moment. Paradigm: models or frameworks derived from a worldview or belief system about the nature of knowledge and existence, how you see and know the world, can use quantitative, qualitative or mixed method approaches. Choice of research methodology, including selection of data.