Music 1649A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Liberal Arts Education, Josquin Des Prez, Voice Leading

73 views3 pages
20 Dec 2016

Document Summary

De institutione musica (early 6th century) musica mundana musica human musica instrumentalis interval enharmonic relationship diapason 2:1 diapente 3:2 diatessaron (4:3) consonance dissonance. Gradus ad parnassum (1725) a seminal textbook on counterpoint. Missa papae marcelli (1562/3) in much of palestrina"s contrapuntal work, voices move primarily in stepwise motion, and the voice leading strictly follows the rules of the diatonic modes codi ed by theorist gioseffo zarlino. Dissonance were controlled within a context dominated by consonance, were subordinated to consonance and prepared and resolved according to well-de ned principles. 1558, the institution harmonic of gioseffo zarlino (1517-90). Rst species counterpoint second species counterpoint parallel fths/ octaves hidden fths/ octaves octave battuta diminution stile antico cantus rmus modes direct/similar, contrary, oblique motions. Guilo cccini (le nuove musiche, 1601; a collection of monodies and songs for solo voice and basso continuo, one of the earliest and most signi cant examples of music written in the early baroque style of the seconda pratica.