Media, Information and Technoculture 2000F/G Study Guide - Telecommunications Network, Smoke Signal, Ethnic Nationalism

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We are better at memorizing things visually and spatially. Need to imagine things in rooms in your mind and organize it in different rooms for different topics. The more bizarre/funnier the object is, you are able to memorize that. Human beings are better at memorizing terrain/landscape and spatially. Bhopas = a person who lives in rajasthan in western india: a story teller, has the capability to memorize long poems and stories. Mahabharata and dev narayan are two examples of poems: thousand of stances long, and the bhopas recite it orally fully on memory. Only written down in 1870"s when written down, come out of oral tradition. Memorizing the poems uses different techniques and training. Words as brief events , they happen and then they are gone. Children have a greater ability for memory than adults. Words construct the nature of society itself. Knowledge comes from the act of speaking to others. This is the idea that talking makes you stronger.