Media, Information and Technoculture 1020E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Jenny Mccarthy, Begging

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Parts of an argument and plagiarism: look in book ( chapter 3) Basic argument requires a : premise, argument, and a conclusion. Deductive: is intended to provide logically conclusive support for its conclusion. It can be divided into invalid and valid arguments. Valid argument: is an argument in which if the premises are true the conclusion must be true. Focuses more on structure of the argument than content. ( are more deductive than inductive) Deductively invalid: dorothy is an engineer, and dorothy is a mother. Invalid argument: are for inductive than deductive. Inductive: to provide probably not conclusive support for its conclusion. It can be divided into strong or weak arguments: Good arguments have proper structure and true premises. Arguments can come in certain patterns and forms. Two valid forms are : (if)antecedent: if p then q --- p --- therefore q (if the job is worth doing, then it"s worth doing well.