Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Canadian Human Rights Commission, Small Claims Court, Alternative Dispute Resolution

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Chapter 2 - introduction to the legal system. There is no wholly satisfactory definition of law. Law is the body of rules made by government that can be enforced by the courts or by other government agencies. Do not confuse law and morality: legal compliance and ethical behaviour are two different things. The primary categories of law are substantive law and procedural laws. Substantive law establishes the rights and limits that an individual has in society. Procedural law determines how substantive law will be enforced. Law can also be distinguished by its private and public function. Public law includes constitutional law that determines how the country is governed and the laws that affect an individual"s relationship with government, including criminal law and the regulations created by government agencies. Private law involves the rules that govern our personal, social, and business relations, which are enforced by one person suing another in a private or civil action.