Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Formaldehyde, Transfection, Membrane Transport Protein

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A vaccine is a modified form of the natural antigen that is administered so that the host develops b and t cell memory cell that can act against the natural antigen. It gives you a more rapid production of antibodies since its no longer your first exposure to that pathogen! Herd immunity: stops the transmission cycle by preventing host-host spread within populations. Immunizing sufficient numbers of people (does not have to be everyone) Each disease has a certain herd immunity threshold (eg. 92-94% of the population need to be vaccinated for everyone to have herd immunity) When the mmr vaccine controversy occurred (vaccine caused autism), there was a decrease in immunization rates and thus, an increase in infection rate. Mv infection is associated with a transient but profound immune suppression. This can last for several weeks to months after the acute stage of infection.