Mathematics 1228A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Hercule Poirot, Dionne Quintuplets, Bobbsey Twins

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MATH 1228A/B Full Course Notes
MATH 1228A/B Full Course Notes
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A permutation of a set of objects is an arrangement, or an ordering, of the objects. In how many di erent ways can 5 distinct salads be arranged in a row on a bu et table. Is the product of the integers from n down to 1. The number of permutation of n distinct objectes is n! 2 di erent pasta salads and 3 di erent green salads are to be arranged in a row on a bu et table: in how many ways can the salads be arranged so that pasta salads and green salads alternate. Orderofgreens 3types 3 choices ofways tomake all 3decisions. 1 3121: in how many ways can the salads be arranged if the 2 pasta salads must be side be side. How many 3 diffgreen salad and a pairofps arrange. The bobbsey twins are actually 2 pairs of twins (two children born at the same time) in the same family.