Law 2101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lump Sum, Fide, Dangerous Driving

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Facts: premier of quebec invoked the liquor license of a jehovah"s witness (and restaurant owner) because he was bailing other witnesses out of jail. Reasons: it was outside of his authority as premier and he did it in bad faith and he was also not granted immunity as a public official: reference: manitoba language rights. Answer: they do need to be printed in both languages. Normally, the laws not printed in french would be considered invalid but if we invalidated all of the laws in manitoba then we would we have political chaos. Therefore, the laws are deemed temporarily valid, the order to invalidate them is suspended for 1 year in order to allow them the time to rewrite their laws in both languages: morgentaler. Facts: doctor argued that abortion laws are unconstitutional. Nova scotia charged and jailed him for continuing to practice abortions at his clinic. Held: nova scotia reached beyond their powers of constitutional powers.