Kinesiology 4409A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: False Alarm, Decision Theory

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Kinesiology 4409 strategies & tactics in sports. Asking an athlete to combat time pressure by trading off different types of errors (called error trade off)** For those situations where you are looking for a signal (target, cue, relevant stimulus) You are look for this relevant stimulus situation. If the relevant situation is there, then one set of things can happen depending on your situation. If its not there, things happen depending on your decision. Have a decision maker according to the decision theory, the world comes in 2 simple states (either the thing you are looking for is there or its not there) There 4 things that can happen are illustrated on the page can represent very complicated decisions. If open and yes (correct decision) called a hit (felt the target was there and it was) If you say yes, you can be correct or incorrect (either you have a hit or false alarm target [error])