Kinesiology 3336A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pectineus Muscle, Periosteum, Myositis

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The mortise/talocrural joint is made of: (1) lower end of tibia (2) medial malleolus (3) lateral malleolus (longer and more posterior) (4) transverse tib/fib ligament. 2nd part or grade 2 = 50 80: pain present, no true laxity, lots of pain, true laxity (3) rupture region. Eversion sprains (cid:224) least common (1) medial tenderness (2) pain and slight limitation on eversion (3) talar tilt on eversion is positive (cid:224) careful of lateral ankle and leg pain can indicate fractures to lateral malleolus or fibula (cid:224) most fractures occur in eversion sprains because the malleolus is the next line of defense immediately after ligaments. Length of exposure: longer isn"t always better, 10 on 10 off 10 on (cid:224) ice will help prevent secondary cell death from hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) (cid:224) goals: decrease pain perception, muscle guarding, blood flow, permeability, metabolic rate (decreases secondary cell death), elasticity and edema in acute stage (cid:224) clinical pearls of icing: