Kinesiology 1088A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Trash-Talk, Motor Program, Outlast

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Document Summary

Definition: the systematic and consistent practice of mental or psychological skills psychological skills can be learned but must be practiced and integrated into your training routine. Psychological factors account for most day-to-day fluctuations in performance. Myths psychological skills are innate (can"t be learned) only for problem athletes only effective for elite athletes provide quick fix solutions not useful hocus pocus . *helps make the exercise fun & helps meet everyone"s needs. When pre-season or off-season, 3-6 month duration, ongoing process integrated into practice. Needs assessment evaluate strengths & weaknesses, oral interview & psych. inventories, performance profiling. What which skills to include?, scheduling, evaluation & follow-up. Problems lack of: conviction, time, knowledge, follow up: psychological skills (initial focus, psychological methods (secondary focus, psychological skills. Personal qualities to be attended or developed (i. e. target behaviours) Procedures/techniques used to develop psychological skills (vehicle used to attain skills) examples: goal setting, relaxation, attributions, imagery, though processes.