Kinesiology 1080A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Information Processing, Retina, Short-Term Memory

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Topic 6: information processing - 3 stage approach: how the brain processes various types of information. Information is processed in serial and discrete fashions. Stimulus identification stage was very developed - due to practice and improvement of pattern recognition: 10 years and 10 000 hours is effective for mastery. Need to practice 10000 hours for 10 years of deliberate practice to become an expert: deliberate practice is not normally enjoyable but is beneficial (i. e dribbling drills, practice scales) This theory ignores genetic factors so it fits loosely for sport domains but properly fits for music, occupational domains. The earlier you start the quicker you can experience the expertise. It is specific to whatever you train for, does not relate to other tasks. Athletes from varying levels of sport in teams in spain. 44% of the elite team was born in the 1st quartile.