Kinesiology 1080A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Primary Motor Cortex, Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe

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Understand how the brain and what areas of the brain will help direct movement. Central nervous system interacting with skeletal muscle (extrafusal fibre) Extrafusal fibre skeletal muscle fibre that produces power. Drill hole into head and monitor electrical signals. Patient was able to walk off of surgical table. Cells will fire when you move your arm forward. Fire to control the direction on movement. Concussion: rotational force of the head that comes in contact with something. Frontal and temporal lobes most susceptible to injury and concussion. Frontal lobe = executive and high-level cognitive function. Contre-coup more likely to occur on side of cortex or frontal lobe (coup injury is more likely to occur at the back of the skull) Your sinuses can absorb a lot of the force of the blow. Most sport concussions in men"s football (massive amount of athletes)