Kinesiology 1080A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Apraxia, Ideomotor Phenomenon

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Spatial numerical association of response codes: (snarc effect) Most people represent a mental number line from left to right in an ascending order: standard representation, more analytical person. More creative people have a different mental number line than standard. First languages that are not written from left to right have a different internal mental representation. Involves parietal and frontal structures: thought to be lateralized to the right hemisphere, close eyes and envision number line in right pre-frontal cortex (pfc) Left and right hemispheres look exactly the same. Apraxia: disorder of learned, skilled purposeful movement, not related muscle paralysis comprehension deficits: high level movement disorder exclude low level functions like aphasia or ataxia prior to diagnosing. If all that is left over is a movement disorder, it is defined as apraxia. If demonstrating apraxic movements 6 months after acute recovery (rehab), will most likely stay in this condition. Occur in greater frequency during left cerebral lesion.