Kinesiology 1080A/B Midterm: Introduction to Psycho - TEST 1 and Test 2.docx

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Plasticity: the ability to learn and acquire new skills (new neuron connection forming) Extrafusal muscle fibers: cause contraction, power moving muscle fibers, power contraction. Intrafusal muscle fibers: propo sense, design to detect stretch. Stretch information tells the central nervous system where the limb is with respect to the body. **the striated muscle fiber within a muscle spindle. Learning benefit you can remember 24 hours later, something your mind remember not something that you can just do. Motor learning: a set of internal processes associated with practical experience leading to a relatively permanent gain in performance capability. Motor control: an area of study dealing with understanding of the neural, physical, behavioral and cognitive aspects of movement: how does the brain develop a motor program, how does that program affect intrafusal fibers. Mother disciplines (4): psychology (** largest contribution), neuroscience, engineering, and education leads to motor learning/control: psychology perception, cognition and action.