Kinesiology 1080A/B Final: kin1070a exam notes

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Exercise and health messages using pmt/hapa framework in pregnancy. Using text messages to change exercise behaviour. Exercise and depression- (fair amount on exam) Applying exercise to smoking models (also fair amount on this) For health bene ts- youth aged 12-17 years should accumulate at least 60 min of moderate- vigorous intensity physical activity daily. Vigourous- intensity actives at least 3 days per week. Activities that strength muscle and bone at least 3 days per week. More daily physical activity provides greater health bene ts. Adults 18-64 should accumulate at least 150 min of moderate-vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 min or more. It is also bene cial to add muscle and bone strengthening activities using major muscle groups, at least 2 days per week. More physical activity provides greater health bene ts. 65 + should accumulate at least 150 min. of moderate to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week- in bouts of 10 min or more.