Health Sciences 3400A/B Final: review

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Who are the actors: politicians - pm/premier, ministers (cabinet, bureaucrats - civil servants in minstries. Departments within ministries responsible for policy implementation. Experts who work on policy, present for a long time, meant to stay permanent through gov cycles. Not voted in: other - interest groups, individuals, media. May be involved by; publicizing the new policy, education people, delivering a program or service. Many claim attempting to tame wicked problems inevitably fails. Policy formulation: public admin examines various policy options it considers to be possible solutions: broad characteristics: Need not be limited to 1 set of actors. May proceed w/o clear def of the problem: problem de nition, scope of con ict, broad and narrow. May take a long time w/o progress or support. Instrument tinkering: lots of options and variations, and process to determine options (decision making, stakeholders, stakeholder analysis.