Health Sciences 2711A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Population Ageing, Activity Theory, Intersectionality

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Unit 4 note theoretical perspectives of aging. Theoretical approach: theoretical perspectives are ways of naming, ways of conceptually ordering our senses of the world. It goes beyond the individual"s perception, experiences, and interactions with others (micro), but it is below the structured discussions (macro: we can talk about the meso-level in terms of social institutions. At the micro-level it is about the individual interactions and interpersonal ties, and at the meso-level it is about analyzing these things as a group. Interactive framework: macro affects meso which affects micro, this is how structures affect social institutions and individuals, but it can also go in reverse where micro and meso end up reshaping macro. Individuals: necessary adjustments are made by individuals within the existing social arrangements, society, fundamental changes of existing social arrangements are made at a societal level, e. g. , same sex marriage wasn"t legal until 2005 in canada.