Health Sciences 2250A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nail Polish, Barometer, Absenteeism

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Unit 2: theories & models - planning models & intervention models. Intro to unit 2: importance of models & theories: similar to narrowing focus of research paper - direction about intent of paper. * provide a vehicle for applying theories framework / map. Psychological basis for behaviour change: operant & classical conditioning, classical/pavlovian conditioning, pair new stimulus with natural stimulus to produce natural response, all responses are reflexes. Combo theories: stimulus response (sr) theory, social cognitive theory/social learning theory, theory of reasoned action (tra, theory of planned behaviour (tpb) Precede-proceed: 49 in text (cid:894)do(cid:374)(cid:859)t (cid:374)eed to dra(cid:449) the (cid:373)odel(cid:895) Involve people who will be targeted! what they want and need: acquire subjectively defined problems & priorities of individuals or communities, social problems of community offer practical & often accurate barometer of its quality of life. Indicators (of the qol of the target audience) include: absenteeism, aesthetics, crime, unemployment, self- esteem, etc.