Health Sciences 1002A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Infant Mortality, Ruling Class, Friedrich Engels

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Health sciences midterm income inequalities in health and. Social gradient in health: review people live that determine their health. related to each other (i. e. social institutions) Social determinants of health refers to the social and economic environments in which. Social class a division of society based on social and economic status. Social structure the recurring patterns of social interactions through which people are. Ruling class term used to highlight the point that the upper class in society has political power as a result of its economic wealth. Social capital refers to social relations, networks, norms, trust, reciprocity b/w individuals that facilitate cooperation for mutual benefit. Social exclusion a process whereby some groups in society are denied access to material and social resources, thereby excluding their full participation in society. Risk factors conditions that are thought to increase an individual"s susceptibility to illness or disease, such as abuse of alcohol, poor diet, or smoking.