Geography 2152F/G Study Guide - Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate, Plate Tectonics

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Video: japan tsunami: with respect to plate tectonic processes, describe the specific cause of the earthquake that caused the japan tsunami. Japan lies near the eurasian plate and the pacific plate. The pressure was building up for hundreds of years as these plates were pushing together and finally the pressure snapped like a stretched rubber band. The pacific plate was being pushed underneath the eurasian plate because the pacific plate was more dense. Sendai is mostly farmland, low and flat. The quake caused the entire coastline to drop about 3ft, lowering miyakos walls and making the tsnumi worse. Even though the plant sensors shut down the plant there was still alot of heat! And with no power, the cooling system wasn"t online either. coolants were implemented right away. The waves of the water surpassed the defense walls and shut down the plant. Backup batteries tried to keep the plant from over heating but the batteries ran out of power.