[Geography 2152F/G] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 89 pages long Study Guide!

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Hazards affect millions of people around the world each year. Within north america, every location is at risk from at least one hazardous process. Some hazards pose a risk to both humans and the environment. Examples: nuclear meltdowns, toxic gas release, oil spills, ozone depletion, acid rain, intrafrastucture failure, shipwrecks, airplane crashes. Natural hazards can arise from three main processes: internal forces within the earth, driven by the internal energy of the earth, ex. 2. external forces on earth"s surface: -driven by the sun"s energy, ex. 3. gravitational attraction: driven by the force of gravity, ex. Hazard: a process that poses a potential threat to people or the environment. Risk: the probability of an event occurring multiplied by the impact on people or the environment. Disaster: a brief event that causes great property damage or loss of life. Catastrophe: a massive disaster (examples indian ocean tsunami, hurricane. Katrina, japanese nuclear meltdown, oil spills in the gulf, haiti earthquake )