Foods and Nutrition 1021 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trans Fat, Nutrition Facts Label, Offal

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Document Summary

Chapter 1: food choices & human health. Macronutrients vs. micronutrients: macro: carbs (4cal), protien (4cal), fat (9cal, micro: vitamins, minerals, water. Organic / inorganic nutrients: organic: grown without pesticides or fertilizers. Nutrient-dense vs. calorie-dense foods: nutrient content per calorie of food. Chapter 2: nutrition tools standards & guidelines. Re-read and know standad portion sizes and specific tips for. Know about the elderly and the pregnant. Know about artifical sweetner and sugar alcohols: chapter 3: the remarkable body. General overview of digestion: role of each organ, what it secretes, involvement with digestion / absorption, digestion of macronutrients: gi tract: muscular tube from mouth to anus plus liver, pancreas and gall bladder. It breaks down food mechanically and chemically: mouth: amylase breaks starch into glucose. Lingual lipase initiates digestion of milk: stomach: gastric juice (water, enzymes, and hcl) that starts protein digestion. Pepsin breaks protein into amino acids: pancreas: pancreatic juice with bicarbonate neutralizes stomach acid and helps digest the macronutrients.