Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Post Danmark, Predatory Pricing, Price Discrimination

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102(a) tfeu), rebates, excessively high/low prices by dominant sellers/buyers, predatory pricing, unfair trading conditions, acquisition of exclusive access to new technology (art. Post danmark i: post danmark started luring clients of its rival on the market for the distribution of unaddressed mail with selective price cuts, not a per se abuse", but necessary to establish anti-competitive effects. It must be possible for a competitor as efficient as that undertaking to compete with those prices without suffering losses that are unsustainable in the long term . Operated rebate scheme for direct advertising mail: not solely based on quantity (presumed lawful), conditional upon (near) exclusivity (abusive, thus: belonging to third category of loyalty-inducing rebates. Necessary to consider all circumstances": as-efficient-competitor test to be regarded as one tool of many, necessary to establish probable" anti-competitive effect. Intel held consistent market share in excess of 70% with only amd as competitor.