Economics 2150A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Economic Surplus, Demand Curve, Engel Curve

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ECON 2150A/B Full Course Notes
ECON 2150A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Chapters 1-5, including part 2 of chapter 2. 5 corresponding to material before this term"s cutoff) **there is an answer key included on the last page of the document. (questions 4 and 27-30 pertain to topics that we will not cover until after your midterm 1. These topics could appear on midterm 2 this year. ) Please see the reading list for details on this term"s coverage of topics as well as this term"s cutoff for material that can appear on midterm 1. You will have 2 hours to complete your. The specific topics and number of questions per chapter on your actual midterm may be different than these examples. This example midterm is only meant to give you an idea of the types of questions that might appear on your exam. You should not limit your studies to these topics. Your midterm can cover any topics from class thus far.