Economics 1021A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Blablacar, Airbnb, Ebay

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ECON 1021A/B Full Course Notes
ECON 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Sharing economy= collaborative economy", peer economy", on-demand economy", and renting economy". For the presentation: focus on how digital platforms are helping or bringing challenges to the current way of offering. Sharing economy platforms (sep) combine organizational and market mechanisms in innovative ways to gain competitive advantages over incumbents. That"s what distinguishes them from traditional marketplaces, supplier networks, third-party intermediaries or service integrators. It coordinates platform participation (buyer and seller) and create value. It"s combined on two key dimensions: the level of control exerted by the platform owner over platform participants (tight or lose control), the intensity of rivalry among the platform participants fostered by the platform owner (high or low). Sharing economy platforms do not gain their competitive advantages (ca) because of what they are doing but how they are doing it. Se (sharing economy) is not revolutionary: they are innovative only in that they use old mechanisms in new and platformed ways.