Earth Sciences 1086F/G Study Guide - Solar Wind, Atomic Number, Planetary System

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Celsius is used in more or less everyday environments. Kelvin tends to be more useful in very, very low temperature situations. Below is a figure that relates the three scales. Unit 1 - basic concepts page 1 http://solarsystem. nasa. gov/multimedia/display. cfm?im_id=169. Chapter 1: scientific theory and the big bang. Can be supported or rejected through experimentation or observation. Can be supported, cannot be proven to be true. Theory: summarizes a hypothesis (or group of hypotheses) that is supported by repeated testing and observation. A theory is considered valid as long as there is no firm evidence to dispute it. Theories attempt to explain the why of some action. Law: a law explains a body of observations. At the time it is made, no exceptions will have been found to that law. Scientific laws explain things, but they do not describe them. An effort to explain exactly what happened at the very beginning of the universe.