Earth Sciences 1086F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hubble Space Telescope, Milky Way, Triangulum Galaxy

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An educated guess based upon observation sometimes, only one observation. Usually, a hypothesis can be supported or rejected through experimentation or more observation. At the time it is made, no exceptions will have been found to that law. A quick way to tell the difference between a theory and a law is to ask if the statement explains. Scientific laws explain things, but they do not describe them. why something happened; if it does, it is a theory, not a law. If it describes how something happens, it is a law theory and law go hand-in-hand: ex. Newton developed a law of gravity which predicts the behaviour of an object as it falls. But newton"s law of gravity does not explain why an object falls: example of the scientific method: observation: every swan i"ve seen this year is white. The big bang theory is an effort to explain exactly what happened at the very beginning of the universe.