Earth Sciences 1022A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Phyllite, Nonconformist, Paleomagnetism

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Examples: granite and rhyolite in mountains: granite used for building stone, monuments, headstones. Examples: andesite and diorite near subduction zones: mafic: basaltic, 50% silica. Example: basalt in upper oceanic crust + volcanic islands, gabbro in lower oceanic crust: ultramafic: 40% silica. Example: peridotite is the main rock in the upper mantle. Islands form a chain on a plate moving over a mantle plume: leave a track of volcanoes, driving mechanism: unequal heat distribution thermal convection. Isostasy: buoyant continental lith floats on dense asthenosphere+thicker lith. Continents rise above oceans: orgogenesis: mountain building proesses, mountains and plate tectonic environments: orogenic belts parallel plate boundaries. Internal movement within a glacier is toward the front: glacial erosion: occurs by plucking and abrasion, plucking: freeze-on of loose bedrock. Waveform of energy moves through water: break into surf moves up a beach as swash back down as backwash, storm clouds erode headlands: - wave impact compresses air.