Classical Studies 1000 Final: classics final exam

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Imperium command; over army, authority to lead army of roman people; shorthand for. Res publica populi romani communal affairs of the roman people; sense of army in communal affairs of roman state. Possible origins of etruscan civilization: arrived from the east (herodotus, autochthonous (indigenous) Etruscan women did recline with men during dinner; sat with men watching sports. Funerary inscriptions identify deceased by patronymics and matronymics. Low economic development, subsistent economy, creative and intellectual not important. Polybius and dio cassius, wrote in greek about rome. Roman fasti (calendar) = list of magistrates. Sculptural fragments considered among the most iconographic evidence for augustan ideals and propaganda. Means right of ownership, but also influence. Tiberius claudius nero stepson born to his second wife livia drusilla (chosen for succession) Collegiality magistrates were part of boards called colleges. Popular election roman magistrates elected by roman people in various assemblies. Annual term for office for fear of tyrant.