Business Administration 3301K Study Guide - Final Guide: Labatt Brewing Company, Brand Equity

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Gained 2 points more market share after the successful campaign. Labatt was continuously gaining increased market share. New competition from smaller brewers were entering the picture. Other alcoholic beverages were gaining popularity in the market. Beer was growing by the smallest proportion losing consumers to spirits and wine. Gain national recognition as opposed to only region/provincial attention. Important to target younger consumers before they developed a strong brand preference. Advertisements significantly impacted consumers" purchases as all beers tasted and looked very similar. It showed and helped relate the things people were thinking to actually feeling. Never before seen form of advertising in this market: what criteria should molson use to evaluate the success of its advertising campaigns? evaluate consumers" responses to the nationalistic advertising campaigns. Which sporting events consumers attend and tend to purchase additional beer. As part of the marketing team, what do you propose molson should do with.