Business Administration 3300K Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Michael L. Tushman, Digital Photography, Functional Design

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Moo session 8: the ambidextrous organisation o"reilly & tushman: introduction, to survive, firms need to explore new opportunities & exploit existing capabilities at same time. Ambidextrous organisation: one in which an organisational separation of the exploratory & exploitative units is managed through a tightly integrated senior team: exploiting & exploring. Incremental innovations: small improvements in existing products & operations that let them operate more efficiently and deliver even greater value to customers. Architectural innovations: application of technological or process advances to fundamentally change some component or element of business. Discontinuous innovations: radical advances (digital photography) that profoundly alter the basis for competition in an industry, often rendering old products obsolete. 2. 2 targets of innovation: all types of innovation have different targets: 1) current customers 2) existing market that hasn"t been entered by firm yet 3) new market that has yet to be defined. Functional design: the breakthrough project is completely integrated into regular organisational & management structure.