Biology 2290F/G Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Lipopolysaccharide, Periplasm, Kanamycin A

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Putting the jm101 strain of e. coli species of bacteria in cacl2 solution. Te buffer is a weak solution for dissolving dna and acted as control for pgreen (dissolved in te buffer), which was the experimental. Lysogenic broth (lb) is food for bacteria plated. Spread 100 l on plate (109 bacterial cells); at least 100 million formed a mat of growth on plate overnight (confluent growth is the bacterial growth that covers the whole area of the plate). A technical tip, when spreading keep the lid on top of the plate and move the spreader from edge-to- edge of the plate. The pink plate had lb and ampicillin resulting in no colonies because jm101 strain is highly sensitive to all antibiotics. Ampicillin interferes with the cell wall fibres (peptidoglycans) by preventing their cross- linkage of the bacterial cell wall (the cell bursts from osmotic pressure).