Biology 1202B Study Guide - Final Guide: Reading Frame, Thymus, Sister Chromatids

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We should make one connecting the concepts in test 1, test 2, and the final. Describe the structure and common components of eukaryotic membranes. Phospholipids the membrane is composed of lipid molecules that form a lipid bilayer. Membrane is less than 10nm thick selectively permeable. Much larger than lipids - therefore they move slower than lipids. Most proteins move within the membrane, but few anchor cytoskeleton filaments to membrane and do not move. Integral protein: embedded in bilayer interacts with aqueous (interior and exterior of cell) and the core. Proportions of lipids and proteins vary depending on the membrane type. Membrane asymmetry: components of each lipid bilayer half are different - each half have different functions. +- proteins and lipids can have carbohydrates attached to them (glycoproteins and glycolipids) Describe how the fluid mosaic model fits what is known about the plasma membrane with respect to membrane structure/characteristics.