Biology 1201A Study Guide - Genetic Recombination, Biomet, Prophage

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27 Nov 2013

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Biology notes chapter 9 genetic recombination pages 181- Mutations in genetics are what causes the variation seen in life, it is important and makes organisms sexual (inserting for variation) rather than asexual (clones) Genetic recombination: literally cutting and pasting dna backbones into new combinations. Allows jumping genes to move, insert some viruses into the chromosome of their hosts, underlies the spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria and archaea and is at the heart of meiosis in eukaryotic organisms. There are two requirements for genetic recombination, 1. two homologous chromosomes or regions, 2. a mechanism for bringing the dna molecules close together and the enzymes that cut, exchange, and paste the dna back together. Homologous: two things that appear the same but aren"t when looked at microscopically, the two chromosome regions are homologous because they are vary similar but different for the sake of variation.