Biology 1001A Study Guide - Final Guide: Dehydration Reaction, Catabolism, Protein Tertiary Structure

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Identify criteria used to measure complexity: the number of cell types can be used as a measure of complexity, directly analogous to embryonic development where a single celled zygote becomes a multicellular organism. Increased compartmentalization of cells and the increased interaction between them. Increase in organismal size is not a criteria used often because lineages tend to vary in size increase or decrease. Evolution often leads to a decrease in size, often for reasons other than to streamline complexity: life style is used as a measure of complexity, often in parasites. A parasite may utilize several different intermediate hosts before reaching its adult stage and settling down in a single host. Identify the main structural components of chlamydomonas cells: two flagella, mitochondria, an eye spot embedded in a chloroplast, a nucleus and vacuoles. Identify the relationship between chlamydomonas and the evolutionary common ancestor of animals and plants: chlamydomonas is somewhat intermediate between animals and plants.