Biology 2483A Study Guide - Final Guide: Tropical Rainforest, Biome, Soil Fertility

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Biosphere: zone of life on earth: different combinations of climate (moisture availability and temperature) has effects, sandwiched between the lithosphere (earth"s surface crust and upper mantle) and the troposphere (lowest layer of the atmosphere) Biomes: large-scale biological communities shaped by the physical environment particularly climate: categorized by dominant plant forms, not taxonomic relationships. Terrestrial biomes are characterized by growth forms of the dominant plants & their leaf traits: deciduousness (seasonal shedding of leaves) or, succulence (development of fleshy water storage tissues e. g. cactus) Similar growth forms can be found on different continents, even though plants are not genetically related. Temperature has direct physiological effects on plant growth form (plants can over heat/ freeze) Precipitation and temperature act together to influence water availability and water loss by plants (can go into water stress) Water availability and soil temperature determine the supply of nutrients in the soil (affects micro-absorption)