Biology 2382B Final: Final Flashcards

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Intricate network of protein filaments that extends throughout the cytoplasm. Organelle/protein trafficking (vesicles are transported on the cytoskeleton) Polymer of alpha and beta tubulin protein (basic subunit, polar - always ababab) Alpha tubulin binds permanently to gtp, beta tubulin can hydrolyze gtp. After translation the alpha and beta tubulin quickly form a dimer (8nm) - very stable. Beta subunit hydrolyzes gtp to grow protofilament (polymerization) One row of polymer is called a protofilament. Protofilaments come together to form a hollow tube. 25nm in diameter (mt) - we don"t know how though. Can be up to hundreds of micrometers long. Can form flagella that stick out beyond the cell. Singlets - most common, not stable, 13 protofilaments forming single hollow tube of 25 nm. Doublets - singlet of 13 + 10 protofilament b tubule, stable, found in cilia and flagella. Triplet - singlet of 13 + 10 (b tubule) + 10 (c tubule), stable, found in basal bodies and centrioles.