SACR 3620 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John And Lorena Bobbitt, Victim Blaming, Victimology

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Scientific study of physical, emotional, and financial harm people suffer because of illegal activities. Included in this definition is the victimization occurring for victims within the criminal justice system. Criminology does not have a lot to say about victims. Some people can"t move on without therapeutic help. There were no impact victim statements before where the injured party could include how it has affected their life. Victims individuals who experience loss, injury, or hardship for any reason. Crime victims above as result of an illegal act. Direct/primary victims experience criminal act and its consequences first-hand. Indirect/secondary victims family and those who suffer emotionally or financially but are not immediately involved. Husband may become secondary victim due to the new strain that may happen in the relationship. Issues are approached from standpoint of morality, ethics, philosophy, personalized reactions, and emotions. Requires observer to be fair, open-minded, even-handed, dispassionate, neutral, and unbiased.