COMP 2707 Study Guide - Final Guide: Server-Side, Global Variable, Local Variable

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Escape sequences are special characters: tags, new line, dollar signs. You have to put a skip character (a back slash) in front of that special character in order for php to recognize the special character: ex. $ it will print the $ sign. Floor automatically rounds down to the absolute number: ex. floor(12. 02) = 12. Ceil automatically rounds up: ex. floor(12. 52) = 13. Srand seeds a random number (random number generator) Strcmp it will return a boolean value compared to a string. Strtolower converts upper case to lower. Strtoupper converts lower case to upper. 2 + 2 when you add a number to a string, the string will convert into a number, which is 4. But 2 + 2 becomes 22: ex. 2 + two = error; two + 2 = two2. It normally takes whatever type in the front. Thus, in php, you have to give the command to convert.