BIOL 4280 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Littoral Zone, Photic Zone, Lake Erie

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Does not thermally stratify because it is shallow, large surface area and 4m in depth. Is there enough light to reach bottom - yes. What factors determine critical velocity causing transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow: pipes and reynolds number hurricanes) What kinds of human activities can exacerbate sink holes: many types. Which lakes origin will thermally stratify? sinking: deeper than 4 metres, tectonic, glacial, origins that contribute to shallow ponds will less likely thermal stratify, veolcty of water required to transiyion to laminar flow to turbulent. What exactly is critical velocity? flow (cid:523)go to reynold"s number(cid:524) epilimnion. What does reynolds number tell us about the flow of conditions of the: calculate the potential reynolds number, reynolds number high or low in epilimnion, high, high means you are above that certain rule of thumb value. How many questions: 10-15 questions, 5 defs. How do seiches impact the eplimnetic depth: occur 12 hours or so.