BIOL 351 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Panspermia, Gas Chromatography, Organic Compound

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I"m right and you"re an idiot by james. Us congress; before 1980s, liberal democrats vs conservative republicans but has divided to opposite spectrums. What are the causes of polarization: domination of political ideology. Identification of oneself with one"s beliefs the closer one identifies with their belief, the more resistant those beliefs are to change even in the face of evidence: tribalism group consciousness. Attitudes, fallacies and practices towards: self-flattery ppl overestimate their seeing reason. Thursday; resistant to all attempts at falsification: outright fraud and lying. Lecture 2: chemistry of life pt 1 and paper. What is important about searching for extraterrestrial life? i. e. what are we looking for. We are looking for chemical/biochemical signals which might suggest life. England which caused mass destruction but also was the first to cross into space. Pluto was a planet at this time but made into a dwarf planet new horizons . War of the worlds which ppl believed to be true.