ANTH 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ecological Niche, Prognathism, Lewis H. Morgan

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Document Summary

Lens of anthropology: provides focus, clarity and a basic structure to organize our thoughts, methods, theories, ethics views and research results. Aims to describe in the broadest sense what it means to be human (holistic, comparative, evolutionary, qualitative and field-based) Culture is the learned and shared things that people think, do and have, something you are born into, not with. Holism- tries to integrate all that is known about human beings and their activities at the highest and most inclusive level, demands a bigger picture for proper evaluation. Comparison- requires anthropologists to consider similarities and differences in as wide a range of human societies as possible before generalizing about human nature, society or the past. Field-based- the gain of practical experience and knowledge through first hand experience, the gathering of anthropological or sociological data through the interviewing and observation of subjects in the field.