WGS160Y1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cynthia Enloe, Arlie Russell Hochschild, White Supremacy

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31 Dec 2013

Document Summary

This so called nervous condition resembles discussions held on bodily. The condition of the native is a nervous condition introduced and maintained by the settler among the colonized with their consent (jean paul sartre/ franz fanon) manifestations as a device used to explain colonialisms affect on foreign countries. These bodily discussions surface a sense of cultural inferiority, as the use of illness in the novel is used metaphorically to indicate the effects of cultural imperialism on the people of a small rhodesian village. This particular condition effects one native in particular who goes by the name of nyasha. A character in the novel, which was largely affected by an eating disorder and through this conveyed the implications of. However, when they possessed the rare chance to become educated individuals, they had often lost their african roots becoming motivated by western beliefs and values.