SMC219Y1- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 64 pages long!)

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Medium/ media definition: medium is singular and media is plural. Medium in latin exactly means something in the middle". Devices, methodologies, that allow us to get place to another in terms of communication. Mcgluten defines it as extending ourselves metaphorically and physically. We impact the environment and the environment influences us. 100 000 years ago: depending on how one defines speech, vocab is shared with other animals and started 2. 5 mill. Comprised of multiple (5-6 ) inventions: many countries claim to have invented the television, in 1926 london england, first public broadcast, but prior to tv, changes were already in place, e-revolution, 1969, first controlled internet exchange. September 15, 2017: learning is one of the many things we take for granted because it is one of the many things we just do. What that implies is that eventually, you will hit a sealing meaning that is how smart you will get.