SOC212H1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Methamphetamine, Masculinity, Welfare Fraud

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7 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Chapter three - week two: sept 20th, 2016. Report-sensitive: crimes are sensitive to victims reporting them if sexual assault is not reported then it is unlikely the police will know about it. Police-sensitive: crimes are sensitive to law enforcement drug crime is proactively investigated by police; otherwise, it would not be detected. Definition-sensitive: crimes are sensitive to legislative activity gambling has seen a loosening of criminal sanctions around gaming. Media-sensitive: crimes are sensitive to media attention youth crime, when covered in the media, increases public concern, which increases reports to police, which makes the news. Uniform crime report (ucr): an aggregate census based on reports from police, which is the basis for criminological research. Incident-based data: compared with aggregate ucr crime data, incident-based data provides data on specific factors, such as the location of the offence and the relationship between the offender and the victim. Problems - omits many crimes victims do not report.