ENV100H1 Midterm: Midterm Package

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ENV100H1 Full Course Notes
ENV100H1 Full Course Notes
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Consequences of climate change: desertification land becomes extremely dry, sea level rise sea levels rising due to climate change 3. Ocean acidification more acidic and warm oceans. Implications for life: species extinctions, mass migrations, even greater disparity rich and poor. Not just climate change: pollution, water usage. Land change: chemicals, ozone, nitrogen levels, rate of species extinction. The greenhouse that is forming now will have great consequences on life and life systems that last for hundreds of thousands of years o desertification o seal. Implications for life: species extinction, mass migrations, even greater disparity rich and poor, climate wars o i. e. oil wars. Invasive species will transform ecosystems: whe(cid:374) the(cid:396)e is (cid:374)o (cid:373)o(cid:396)e (cid:449)ate(cid:396) . the(cid:396)e (cid:449)ill (cid:271)e (cid:449)a(cid:396) Not just cli(cid:373)ate cha(cid:374)ge : pollution o air pollution, ground pollution, water usage o coco-cola pumps out a lot of water from the ground and the farmers in the area have limited access to the (cid:449)ate(cid:396) .