PSY320H1 Final: PSY320H1F_ExamStudyGuide.docx

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A cognitive representation that summarizes an evaluation of something. An association in memory between a given object and a given summary evaluation of the object. An overall evaluation of an object that is based on cognitive, affective, and behavioural information. Have two key dimensions: direction/valence and intensity/strength. What are the different types of validity? (mc) What are some of the ways that reliability can be measured? (mc) Wording effects: the same question asked with different words can produce very different results. E. g. , i believe a woman should have the right to take the life of her unborn child vs. i believe a woman should have the right to control her own body . Context: the affiliation of the researcher can influence how people respond. E. g. , people may assume that different questioners are interested in different things. Order effects: the response to a question can be greatly influenced by the question that preceded it.